Friday, 16 April 2010

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The type of institution that would distribute our product would be a company most like 'Twisted Pictures' who created the Saw trilogy and gave us inspiration for our own company's name. They are not a Hollywood blockbuster style film company so they would be more suited in distributing our film which a genre such as ours. If our film was to be taken on by a huge distributor such as 20th Century Fox, I think they would more than likely lose profit as it is a low budget film and may not be enough to attract the large audiences that they usually receive from their other films.

The money from our film would most likely be a grant from something like The National Lottery, like the film 'This Is England' produced by Warp Films. This is because there would be a minimum amount of money available for us to use in the production of our film.

So a company such as 'Twisted Pictures' would definitely be more suited as it would bring in audiences who have seen other films distributed by them and could bring in avid fans of the Saw trilogy.

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